Robert Downey Jr. llegó en un Audi E Tron a la premiere de ... (Dustin Parks)
Avengers: Endgame will feature an Audi vehicle once again, the impressive Audio e-tron GT Concept, and Robert Downey Jr. recently had the chance to get Downey Jr. will be behind the wheel (at least we think he will) at some point in endgame, but recently he went to check out his new ride in the real. The Audi e-Tron GT dropped like a bomb at the L. More pics of Audi's electric four-door coupé show car which has been revealed at the Los Angeles Auto Show.
That the veteran actor revealed the Audi e-tron GT would star in next It didn't take long for several blogs focused more on super heroes than super cars to key in on what Robert Downey Jr. had revealed.
Robert Downey Jr. has been gracing the big screen as Iron Man for over a decade and following him along the way are a wide variety of Audi models.
Showing Audi e-tron GT To Robert Downey Jr. The next electric Audi is being launched, following in the footsteps of the Audi e-tron SUV. Robert Downey Jr. alias Tony Stark alias Iron Man guida gli appassionati, insieme all'head of design Marc Lichte, alla scoperta del concept Audi e-tron GT, che farà il suo debutto cinematografico in Avengers: Endgame di Marvel Studios.
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