Audi S3 8L [restyling] hatchback 1.8 T quattro MT (2001–2003) (Eugene Rivera)
Vairuotojų atsiliepimai, rekomendacijos ir praktiniai patarimai apie transporto priemonių priežiūrą, jų remontą ir auto dalis. Audi would not provide a rental car and did not attempt in any way to assist. Request a dealer quote or view used cars at MSN Autos.
Request a dealer quote or view used cars at MSN Autos.
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Audi would not provide a rental car and did not attempt in any way to assist. My catalytic converter has gone bad and my throttle body housing according to the dealer went bad. Nemačka kompanija Audi radi hrabar marketinški potez, predstavlja kompakt, pozicioniran u klasu neobičnu za kompaniju.
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