1x Car 2 Buttons Lock Unlock Key Shell Case Fob ... (Francis Watson)
While suppressing the trigger, the battery compartment will slide out of the keyfob with a little effort. Press the unlock button three times with a one second interval in between, the lights will flash with each button press for a total of three flashes. Your keyfob should be programmed now.
This is for both my usual & spare fob so can't be the battery.
Have changed the battery but it still doesn't work but it.
A key fob with remote locking/unlocking and push-button start. "If you want a new key fob for your Audi, it has to come from us," said a service adviser at Hoffman Audi of East Hartford, Conn. Sometimes I can unlock the driver door but clicking the fob again does not unlock the other door. Press the unlock button three times with a one second interval in between, the lights will flash with each button press for a total of three flashes.
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