Audi A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI technical details, history ... (Sean Cummings)
Ovo je bio prvi model Volkswagen grupa Podrazumeva se da je dizel motor ovog modela gotovo bez izuzetka i ako imaju ogromnu kilometražu, ali ako su dobro održavani TDI motori traju dosta dugo. Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Thank you for watching and subscribe to our channel!
Ovo je bio prvi model Volkswagen grupa Podrazumeva se da je dizel motor ovog modela gotovo bez izuzetka i ako imaju ogromnu kilometražu, ali ako su dobro održavani TDI motori traju dosta dugo.
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
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