How To Change Audi Q7 Transmission Fluid 2011-16 8-Speed ... (Edward Underwood)
If the gearbox oil is dirty, it will damage other parts and affect performance. Changing transmission fluid after the vehicle is out of warranty is important for the life of the transmission. The dealer says that the transmission fluid and filter last the life of […] As such, it becomes economically difficult to justify a fluid change when weighed against the risk of a contaminant getting into your case during this change.
Although the dealership claims that the transmission fluid is a "lifetime" fill that is not the case.
Plug your scan tool in and bring up information pertaining to gearbox oil temperature.
Changing transmission fluid after the vehicle is out of warranty is important for the life of the transmission. I have started doing all of my own maintenance and the next item on the list is to change the fluids on the differentials and the transmission. Question is should I drop the transmission pan and change the filter and fluid, or just change the fluid?
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