How to change key battery for Audi TT 2 - YouTube (Lillie Briggs)
Replacing the battery does not require key coding or remote pairing. Finally, let the key fob charge until you get to a place when you can replace the key fob battery. If you have at least one working key and you need another key (spare), to replace a missing spare key, then this will usually be cheaper than if you have lost your keys.
Set up the fresh new battery in the actual same position and join the positive cable on the corresponding space and same for the negative cable.
The battery is for sale at our parts center.
A lot of key fob batteries are getting changed when it isn't necessary (great cash cow for the dealers that like to charge a fee plus a crazy price for replacing the battery). The contact points inside the key fob can get dirty over time triggering the key/battery warning. Replacing the battery does not require key coding or remote pairing.
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