VW Jetta Rear Disc Brake Pads Replacement Guide - 2011 To ... (Hulda Castro)
Go with this high-quality product to restore your vehicle's lost power and bring it back to its optimal condition. I will not go in to how to replace the brake pads because there are already two good posts explaining how to replace the rear brake pads:. Now when you release the piston rods inside the calliper, you can change the brake pads and push back the calliper with a suitable tool (a big plier etc.) or with a tool used for normal rear brake pads replacements like this one on Amazon.
However, changing your brake pads or brake discs on your Volkswagen or Audi gets tricky when the car has an EPB.
However, depending on your model, there may be a wear sensor on at least one side and/or both of the rear brake pads.
If you reverse the polarity the motor will spin backwards and suck the piston in.. Go with this high-quality product to restore your vehicle's lost power and bring it back to its optimal condition. For example, a Land Rover will require a bigger set of brake pads as opposed to a Fiat Punto.
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