F150 2002 Glove Box 1844289 | eBay (Eunice Becker)
This pin is used to attach the damper for the glove box to the lid. I removed the glove box to get a better look at the hinge. You can open your door with the little plastic one than insert it in the plastic housing in the glove box. open the glove box then cut the back out of the glove box then shine a flash light in to the engine compartment and there they are.
Gently pry the glove box door hinge away from the dashboard.
Help to repair your glove box.
The glove box is a single unit and can only be removed as a complete unit (red arrow). Sometimes just one is snapped For the removal of the old pins, please use a flat head screwdriver or a chisel, carefully tapping the. Along with the normal remote key fobs, you should have also received a black plastic key.
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