Camshaft Position Sensor Help (Leona Carlson)
Tesa Wire Loom Harness Tape Used By Mercedes BMW VW Audi. Use the service manual of your car to locate it if you After installing the new camshaft position sensor, start the engine and take your car for a spin. There are four cam sensors on that motor.
That year has engine issues with the cams (head design) and sensor My check engine light comes on periodically.
Camshaft position sensor location, inspection, removal and replacement.
If the camshaft position sensor output has not been directly measured on an automotive scope, there is a possibility that it is a perfectly good sensor and thus the problem lies elsewhere. This important sensor tells the car's computer where the flywheel is located in relation to the combustion cycle. Before ordering a camshaft position sensor for your vehicle, make sure you know the year, brand, model.
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